
I am very honored to present my work or the work I’ve done together with others at conferences and events all over the world. Most of them are academic, but I’ve also given talks at public events or in the German startup scene.

The list of the talks below include research collaborations with students (bachelor’s/master’s theses) or (international) colleagues, as well as invited talks/plenaries and workshops.

Pietschmann, D., & Lorenz, A. (2023, September 7). Podcasts and Parasocial Interaction: Analyzing the Impact of Reception Modality and Listening Styles [Paper Presentation]. 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, Luxembourg, LU. Cite
Pietschmann, D. (2023, May 8). KI-Technologie in der Lehre - ein Einblick in die Lehrpraxis [Invited Talk]. TUC.teach May 2023, Chemnitz, GE. Cite
Kullmann, M., Pietschmann, D., Liebold, B., Eibl, M., & Chuang, L. L. (2023, April 23). Developing a Multiple-EDT-Supervision Interface [Paper Presentation]. AutomationXP@CHI 2023, Hamburg, GE. Cite
Pietschmann, D. (2022, May 13). Embodiment und echte Präsenz in virtuellen Welten [Invited Talk]. FSM medien impuls Fachtagung: Von Science-Fiction zur Realität - Immersive Technologien und veränderte (Medien)Realitäten, Berlin, GE. Cite
Pietschmann, D. (2022, Mai). Best Practices: Lernförderlicher Einsatz digitaler Technologien für wissenschaftliche Praxis [Invited Talk]. Tage der digitalen Hochschulbildung 2022, Chemnitz, GE. Cite
Gerigk, Y., Freudenberger, F., Hunze, M. S., Möckel, T., Pietschmann, D., Nieding, G., & Ohler, P. (2021, September 8). Can young Children's Media Sign Literacy predict Academic Skills in Primary School? [Paper Presentation]. 12th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, Aachen, GE. Cite
Lui, T., & Pietschmann, D. (2019, May 24). The effects of operating avatars on user’s body image in virtual reality: The role of sense of embodiment [Paper Presentation]. 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, USA. Cite
Koban, K., Schultz, J., & Pietschmann, D. (2019, May 24). All aboard the hype train – but for how long? An exploratory study on how individuals’ personality characteristics and game motivations determine their playing behavior throughout the Pokémon GO hype cycle [Paper Presentation]. 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, USA. Cite
Pietschmann, D., & Schmidt, A. (2019, May 24). Always hardcore? Personality characteristics and play motives predicting preference for high difficulty video games [Paper Presentation]. 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC, USA. Cite
Pietschmann, D. (2019, January 31). Evolutionary Psychology Perspectives on Digital Game Studies [Invited Plenary]. Institut Mensch-Computer-Medien, Würzburg, GE. Cite
Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Tauchmann, N., Ohler, P., Reer, F., Kieslich, K., Tang, W. Y., & Quandt, T. (2018, November 31). Gewalt in Virtual Reality: Der Einfluss verkörperter virtueller Gewaltakte auf Aggression [Paper Presentation]. 51. Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Frankfurt, GE. Cite
Tang, W. Y., Reer, F., Kieslich, K., Quandt, T., Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Tauchmann, N., & Ohler, P. (2018, November 31). Trigger-happy on the holodeck: Do embodied acts of violence increase aggression? [Paper Presentation]. 7th European Communication Confernce (ECC2018), Lugano, SZ. Cite
Koban, K., Kapp, S., Krieger, S., Druzhkov, M., & Pietschmann, D. (2018, May 24). As time goes by. Exploring the dynamic nature of avatar characterization and player-avatar relationships in traditional role-playing games [Paper Presentation]. 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, CZ. Cite
Holl, E., Huber, K., Liebold, B., & Pietschmann, D. (2018, May 24). Identifying the Cognitive Mechanism Behind Breaks in Presence using Measures of Attention [Paper Presentation]. 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, CZ. Cite
Franzkowiak, L., Pietschmann, D., & Liebold, B. (2018, May 24). Investigating the Potentials of Natural Walking and Virtual Environment Design to Reduce Simulator Sickness in Virtual Reality [Paper Presentation]. 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, CZ. Cite
Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Huber, K., Holl, E., & Brill, M. (2017, September 6). We are slowly getting there: Towards Continous Assessment of Presence in Virtual Environments [Paper Presentation]. 10th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, Landau, GE. Cite
Rohde, S., Liebold, B., & Pietschmann, D. (2017, September 6). Not so natural after all? A Longitudinal Study on Effects of Natural User Interfaces in Video Games [Paper Presentation]. 10th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, Landau, GE. Cite
Pietschmann, D., & Völkel, S. (2017, September 6). The Story never bothered me anyway. A mixed-method Study of narrative Understanding of Disney’s Frozen fro 4-12 year old children [Paper Presentation]. 10th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, Landau, GE. Cite
Pietschmann, D. (2017, June 8). Reduzieren von Nebenwirkungen virtueller Umgebungen [Invited Plenary]. Virtual Reality und Augmented Reality für Unternehmen. Veranstaltungsreihe des Diplomatic Council und Microsoft, Cologne, GE. Cite
Pietschmann, D., & Hemeli, D. (2017, May 25). This is for the Players? Predictors for Innovation Adoption of Consumer VR [Paper Presentation]. 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, USA. Cite
Banks, J., Lin, J.-H. T., Pietschmann, D., & Bowman, N. D. (2017, May 25). Expansion and cross-cultural validation of the Common Player-Avatar Interaction Scale (cPAX) [Paper Presentation]. 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, USA. Cite 1
Huber, K., Holl, E., Liebold, B., & Pietschmann, D. (2017, May 25). A modified secondary task reaction time paradigm for research on breaks in presence [Paper Presentation]. 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, USA. Cite
Liebold, B., & Pietschmann, D. (2017, May 25). The aggression lottery? Psychometric properties of common aggression measures from four studies [Paper Presentation]. 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, USA. Cite
Esmaeili-Bijarsari, S., Kuszter, V., Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Stahr, C., Linke, A.-S., & Brunnett, G. (2017, May 25). Through the eye of the beholder: Effects of perspective switches in VR on cybersickness and performance [Paper Presentation]. 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, USA. Cite
Pietschmann, D. (2016, June 15). Virtual Environments and User Experience [Invited Plenary]. International Summer School Living with Media 2016, Singapore, SN. Cite
Liebold, B., Brill, M., Pietschmann, D., Schwab, F., & Ohler, P. (2016, June 9). Breaks in Presence and Psychophysiology: Assessing a Broad Range of Measures in an Ecologically Valid Setting [Paper Presentation]. 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, JA. Cite
Pietschmann, D., & Liebold, B. (2016, June 9). Is this the Killer App? VR Headsets, NUIs, and violent Video Games [Paper Presentation]. 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, JA. Cite
Liebold, B., Bowman, N. D., & Pietschmann, D. (2016, June 9). It’s New, but is it Improved? Novelty and Learning Effects in the Use and Enjoyment of Naturally Mapped Video Game Controllers [Paper Presentation]. 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, JA. Cite
Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Zurbruegg, E., Schueppel, V., & Koban, K. (2016, June 9). Did the Joker play aggressive video games? A two-wave cross-lagged panel analysis of the relation between aggressive video game play, trait aggressiveness, and psychopathy [Paper Presentation]. 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, JA. Cite
Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Brill, M., & Mohseni, R. (2015, December 11). Modding Games for Experimental Research: Automated Data Acquisition [Paper Presentation]. ECEA Digital Games Research Winter Workshop, Ghent, BE. Cite
Pietschmann, D. (2015, December 11). Quantifying the subjective? Assessing User Experience in Digital Games [Invited Plenary]. ECEA Digital Games Research Winter Workshop, Ghent, BE. Cite
Ohler, P., & Pietschmann, D. (2015, November 26). The staging of war in video games. [Kriegssinzenierungen im Computerspiel] [Paper Presentation]. Militärhistorische Narrative, Räume und Geschichtsbilder. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Militärgeschichte e.V., Chemnitz, GE. Cite
Pietschmann, D., & Ohler, P. (2015, August 2). Spatial Mapping of physical and virtual spaces as an extension of Natural Mapping: Relevance for interaction design and User Experience [Paper Presentation]. HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Cite
Pietschmann, D., & Liebold, B. (2015, August 2). Development of a media-independent Stereoscopic Ability Test to assess individual ability to process stereoscopic media [Paper Presentation]. HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Cite
Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., & Ohler, P. (2015, August 2). Do We Differ in Our Dispositional Tendency to Perceive Virtual Agents as Animate Beings? An Investigation of User Factors in the Evaluation of Virtual Agents [Paper Presentation]. HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Cite
Pietschmann, D., Brill, M., & Liebold, B. (2015, May 21). One theory fits all media? Re-examining the factor structure of the two-step spatial presence model using CFA and SEM [Paper Presentation]. 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Juan, RQ. Cite
Liebold, B., Brill, M., Pietschmann, D., Schwab, F., & Ohler, P. (2015, May 21). Towards a new research paradigm for presence: A pilot study of deriving the state of presence from a wide range of continuous data [Paper Presentation]. 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Juan, RQ. Cite
Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., & Ohler, P. (2015, May 21). Another note on presence terminology: A general model of experiencing virtual environments [Paper Presentation]. 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Juan, RQ. Cite
Kuszter, V., Brunnett, G., & Pietschmann, D. (2015, March 23). Cooperation in Virtual Environments with Individual Views [Poster Presentation]. IEEE VR 2015, Arles, FR. Cite
Pietschmann, D. (2014, November 12). The Ups and Downs of Transmedia Enjoyment: Results of a two-month case study of “Defiance” [Paper Presentation]. ECREA ECC 2014, Lisbon, PO. Cite
Liebold, B., Koban, K., & Pietschmann, D. (2014, November 11). Are gamers good race car drivers? Transfer of prior experience to game-based learning scenarios [Paper Presentation]. ECREA Preconference Games and Society, Lisbon, PO. Cite
Kuszter, V., Brunnett, G., & Pietschmann, D. (2014, October 6). Exploring Stereoscopic Multi-User Interaction with Invidiual Views [Paper Presentation]. Cyberworlds 2014 International Conference, Santander, SP. Cite
Müller, N. H., & Pietschmann, D. (2014, September 5). Who is the Foe: Doctor Who and the NSA-GCHQ Parallels [Paper Presentation]. The politics and law of Doctor Who, London, UK. Cite
Pietschmann, D. (2014, June 22). Matching Levels of Task Difficulty for Different Modes of Presentation in a VR Table Tennis Simulation by Using Assistance Functions and Regression Analysis [Paper Presentation]. HCI International 2014, Heraklion, GR. Cite
Pietschmann, D. (2014, June 3). Das Holodeck: Wie weit sind wir? [Invited Plenary]. SciFi meets Science Conference, Chemnitz, GE. Cite
Pietschmann, D., & Liebold, B. (2014, May 22). Effects of stereoscopic presentation and natural user interfaces on game performance and user experience [Paper Presentation]. ICA pre-conference Beyond the Pixels: A Look at Digital Games, Seattle, WA, USA. Cite
Pietschmann, D., Valtin, G., Liebold, B., & Ohler, P. (2013, September 4). Social Interaction in Massively Multiplayer Online Games: An Evolutionary Perspective [Paper Presentation]. 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society, Würzburg, GE. Cite
Nebel, S., Pietschmann, D., Liebold, B., Valtin, G., & Ohler, P. (2013, September 4). Effects of Video Game GUIs on the Construction of Rich Spatial Situation Models and Spatial Presence [Paper Presentation]. 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society, Würzburg, GE. Cite
Müller, N. H., Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Rosenthal, P., & Ohler, P. (2013, September 4). Gaze Path Analysis of Differences in Task Related Perception of Data Visualization [Paper Presentation]. 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society, Würzburg, GE. Cite
Pietschmann, D. (2013, July 5). Spatial Mapping of Input and Output Spaces in Video Games [Invited Plenary]. Games, Cognition, and Emotion, Hamburg, GE. Cite

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